Please consider the context when evaluating financial transactions.  Some transactions may appear improper on the surface but are perfectly normal and justifiable when placed in the proper context.  We welcome your questions regarding our financial transactions or records.

Kim School District R-88  -   425 State St - PO Box 100 - Kim,  CO   81049     

Phone:  719-643-5295 -   Fax:       719-643-5299   

Chris Locke                            Kelsea Shannon

Superintendent                                Assistant Business Manager                        

Phone:719-643-5295                    Phone:719-643-5295                  

Sarah Siegrist, Abacus, Business Manager

Financial Transparency Kim Reorganized 88

Financial Transparency for Colorado Schools

Financial Transparecy


  • District Adopted Budget - Including Uniform Budget Summary (current and prior two years)

  • District Financial Audit (current and prior two years)

  • Salary Schedules or Policies (current and prior two years)

  • Financial Data File for FY21-22* (current and prior two years: FY19-20 and FY20-21)

  • List of Waivers Received by the School District (n/a)

  • Standardized Description and Rational for Each Automatic Waiver (n/a)

  • Federal Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF and any associated schedules (n/a)

  • Plan for Distributing Additional Mill Levy Revenue or Statement of Intent to Distribute (n/a)